strange univibe problem?

Started by Zedmin_fx, July 03, 2008, 11:41:44 PM

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Hi all I built my neovibe in the spring and had some problems with it( wrong pinout of the transister and such), I got it working to what I belive was 100% a nd used it since. two days ago I went to play my guitar and turned the vibe on and got nothing from it and said ok what now, opend it up the light wan on just not pusling. So when I turned the speed all the way up I got it to vibe when I turn it down just a litle I get vibe for a second or two then get nothing again? has anyone had this happen or now why it did this and what I should start doing to debugg it?

so far its the ggg pcb
no parts subs
and not working right atleast when I swapped out the transistors last time I put sockets in place.


There is a minimum required gain for the LFO transistors to oscillate. I have seen several real univibes with this problem. If there is not enough gain, a transient will cause it to run for a cycle or two, then fade out.

In your case, if you have traded out the transistors, it may be a broken wire, bad solder joint, the usual problems.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Ok I forgot to mention when it wouldnt work at all two wires from the speed pot were busted off some how. I swaped the transistors a while ago but it worked after I did, the 2n3904 is a easy one to blow right shall I try replaceing the ones for the lfo (Q13 Q12 Q11)?


Ok R.G I got it all fixed now stupid problem but its all good now. just in time to be able to use it at my brother house yay.