Questions for those of you who have built the Opamp Big Muff

Started by tcobretti, July 04, 2008, 01:32:53 AM

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Is it as noisy as the transistor based BMP?

Is it as fuzzy as the transistor based BMP?


It's a very different sound and quite distinctive. Loads of fuzz and sustain though, and the one I built is more stablemy personal preference is triangle, op-amp, re-issue in that order. I tried the op-amp version with a ross comp clone in front and it sustains for ages and is great for stoner type sounds.


the whole sound of the op BM is preatty in the flavor of the standrad transistor BM. but there are some difference, i fell the sound is more focused than the transistor BM.
and it's a lot more quiter of coarse, when i turn down the guitar volume i got no hums!


Ok, thanks for the info.  I've been thinking about building one because I kinda like the BMP but don't like the noise.


Definitely build one. ;)

I've done 3 so far and they really are cool, not particularly noisy and pretty bonkers sustain even without a compressor in front.

Experiment with the cap values across the clipping diodes, there were (are) apparently a few different models with different caps.