Little gem 9 volt amp help!

Started by kcs, July 20, 2008, 10:52:34 PM

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Were do i connect the wires that go to ground?

I am a total noob and this is my first project  :D Do I connect them to the negative part of the 9 volt battery?


Were do I connect the two wires from my speaker in the little gem amp circuit?

On pin on the rheostat goes to ground, the other comes from the 220 uF capacitor that only leaves one. What wire from the speaker goes there? and where does the other wire go?

Thanks, i hope that wasn't to confusing  ;D


Hello. Negative battery terminal should be connected to ground. One speaker wire goes to the rheostat "out" pin and the other wire goes to ground. As long as using only one speaker element, it does not matter which way those wires actually are connected. Speaker + to rheostat "out" is the standard, i think.