Few general questions about merging pedals

Started by XXISouthpaw, May 25, 2013, 05:03:28 PM

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Was looking to sum two pedals together in one, and before I start diving in and making every mistake in the book I thought I'd ask you knowledgeable chaps and chapettes a few questions I've got.

I'm looking to put together two DAM meathead circuits in the same pedal, and having one switchable with a DPDT switch, and a master volume two control the level between the two.

Questions being is this going to work due to them being 1 knob fuzzes, and the the fuzz and volume being controlled by the same pot? Would there be a more sensible approach to doing this? Is any value of audio tapered pots alright to use as I don't have a 100K, or will the impedance be an issue?

Also (last one I promise) how do you guys get such tight fitting boxes? I'd like to fit it into a small enclosure (I think it's a 1590B hammond equivalent eddystone box) It's quite a hard thing to judge especially trying to take into account the depth, any tips?

Cheers in advance,



I'm a little confused as to how you want your controls laid out. Do you want each pedal to have its own fuzz control, then a master volume after both circuits or two cascaded fuzz circuits with one overall fuzz/volume knob? Making it a one knob fuzz + fuzz stage switch?


Well the one knob fuzzes control both volume and fuzz really, so it would just be having a master volume between the two, now thinking about it I'd quite like them both to be switchable for versatility. so controls would be levels and on/off switch for each, and a master volume to attenuate each of them.

Sorry I should have stated that more clearly in the OP.


The meathead control knob is just an ouput level control, it does not affect the amount of fuzz/gain.
Quote from: kayceesqueeze on the back and never open it up again