Just Fried a Fab Echo...

Started by Johnny Halo, July 22, 2008, 08:04:46 AM

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Johnny Halo

Trying to do the mods for the infinite repeats and wetness and it looks like I disintegrated the SMD resistors. Can these be replaced?

I have signal going through the pedal, but no effect.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

They can be replaced if you know what values they are, and you have a very pointy soldering iron and a steady hand.
You can also replace them by ordinary resistors, if there is room, maybe by having the resistor stand on end.

I think what I am saying is, a wrecked surface mount board part can be replaced.. but it isn't easy for the inexperienced. I'm inexperienced.

Johnny Halo

Thanks, Paul.
I am inexperienced, too. Just getting into the DIY scene. I thought this might be an easy mod - glop of solder here, glop of solder there...

I am going to have to investigate the values. Considering it doesn't work now, it could be a good project for a newb.


If you take some pictures indicating what resistors you fried, I can take a peek inside my Fab Echo and let you know what the values are. 

Johnny Halo

The resistors I fried are the ones listed in this thread for moddding the F.E. - I was following the photos at the beginning -



Hey I remember that thread! Hm... well, the resistors I mentioned are either shorted or removed and replaced with a pot, so if you fried them it's no big deal- unless you want to revert back to stock for some reason.

Just to clarify:

First picture, from top, you have through-hole capacitor, then another one, then a little SMD resistor.  The solder blob on mine bridges the left leg of the second cap and the right side of the SMD part.  I believe a solder blob there effectively shorts that resistor.

Second picture is pretty straight forward, you just remove the resistor and put a piece of wire across the two pads.

Third picture is harder to see, but you remove the resistor coming off pin 6 (I think) of the delay chip and replace it with a pot (25k-100k) to ground.  The stock resistor value there is probably 10k or so.  The important thing is to NOT short that resistor, or else you'll have a delay time of zero.  It would be easy to accidentally blob solder from pin 6 to ground at that point, and you wouldn't be able to hear any delayed sound.  I would look there first when de-bugging.

It sounded like you were intending to mod the Fab Echo, but if you really want to put it back to stock I can take a look at the resistor values with a magnifying glass.  Just let me know.  Otherwise, if you fried ONLY those resistors, it should still work fine.

Johnny Halo

No, I wasn't trying to restore it to original. I just have no effect.

When I fried the SMD's, I cleaned off the solder to see what I had done. When I tried the pedal, and no effect came through, I just kinda gave up. If I would go back and complete those "circuits" do you suppose the effect would be present?

Also, I could have touched something else with my iron and killed it too.

BTW, my camera does not focus close enuff to get a good photo.