Pleasant surprise from an Arion digital delay

Started by deaconque, July 23, 2008, 10:10:29 PM

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I'm talking about the DDM-1 not the SAD-1 that is more favored.  I've had two of these over the years and was always pretty happy with the sound from such a cheap pedal ( both were had for under $20).  The sound is much more dark than most digital delays i've played.  So today I finally opened it up just to take a look inside.  what i found was your basic setup but next to the feedback and delay time pots were two trim pots which adjust the range of the pots.  I played around with these for a while and got some very interesting sounds, everything from and extremely long delay to ring mod to a %^&*ed wah sound.  I also got a pretty good sounding room reverb.  My plans now are to rehouse it in a decent box, make the trims regular pots and put a voltage sag pot in since this pedal sounds quite good with lower voltages.  I was very surprised to find so many good sounds from such a seemingly "cheap" pedal.  check one out if you ever get a chance.

Mark Hammer


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