Wah wah pedal whining problem. Please help

Started by loki, June 27, 2008, 09:58:51 AM

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Hi guys,
I'm in the process of building a Clyde McCoy style wah wah pedal but after trying to build it twice on a perfboard I've encountered the same problem both the times.
I get a very loud whining sound when the pedal is in the heel down position and then as I rock it to the toe down position the whine goes away and I get the rest of the sweeping sound.
Checking the board I noticed that the whine happens (as predictable anyway) when the signals coming off the two 0.022 caps are connected.
What can it depend on?
I'm positive about the perfboard connections, triple-checked it, and built it twice from scratch, I thought it was the inductor (Im currently using an Arteffect Halo replica) and I tried changing it with a cheapo 600uH inductor I found at a local shop, with the result of not having any noticeable wah sweep but no whining sound either.
Thanks for your help!


is it built exactly to clyde specs or have u changed some values? If so what did you change?


I didn't change any value, I put trimmers to fine tune the 68k input resistor, the 1k5 resistor, the 100k resistor to ground and the 470R resistor, plus also the 100k "Q" resistors... but they're all currently set to the standard values. I'm using BC109B transistors, a 4.7uF non polarized capacitor, an ICAR Black top 100k pot and 0.01 polystyrene capacitors



0.022 Caps?
Or do you mean 0.22 Caps?

Also - are your input and output jacks reversed by any chance?


yes i meant 0.22 caps....  :icon_confused: just a typo

no the input and output jacks are not reversed, I'm positive about that


Hi Loki,

I just came across this thread. Did you ever get this working right?
