Rebote 2.5 No effected sound!!

Started by ppatchmods, August 29, 2008, 03:52:02 PM

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I purchased this rebote off of a member here and he told me it was working, but only repeated the delay signal once.  When I got it, it passed a bypassed signal, but didn't have any sound when engaged.  It smells a little burned around the .01 cap coming off lug 1 of the "level" pot.  That cap is also connected to pin 4 of the tl072...could these parts being burned up cause it to not pass a signal when engaged?  Thanks

-John P
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?


I'm sorry! I'm using the tonepad board and layout.  All values are the stock except the .082's seem to be a cluster of other caps tied together.  I don't have a multimeter or an audioprobe so I can't help you there.  Thanks
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?

sean k

The delay chip only creates one delayed signal anyways. It's up to the feedback and level to get that one delayed signal, plus any new signal back into the chip to repeat it again. An audio probe is as simple as tying two wires to the lead to the input to your amp. Tie the earth off to an earth in the circuit your testing and use the positive to probe the circuit. Meanwhile your guitar lead is plugged in as per usual and you strum it when you want signal. A compressed or sustained signal from the guitar helps. Do that an check pin 12 and 14, of the pt 2399, for signal out and then follow them to feedback etc.
Monkey see, monkey do.


I rewired the offboard jacks and led & the switch & led are working fine with a battery but I've got a ground problem somewhere. I'm still not getting an effected signal. I'm gonna post some pic tomorrow.
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?


Ok...I just realized what I did. I plugged an AC adapter into the pedal and probably fried something!  I feel like an idiot :icon_redface:...but admitting it is the first step to recovery. Right?  I'm going to start by replacing all the parts in the 9v+ path and see what happens.  Probably the voltage regulator.  Anyone have a plan of attach for this sort of thing?...because obviously I need help!  Is there an Idiots Anonymous on the forum? :icon_eek:

Can I replace the tl072 with a lm741 or another single opp?
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?