pots and resistor questions

Started by mongo, August 29, 2008, 04:39:31 PM

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  I just finished a tremulus lune and the layout demands a 10k pot. I dont happen to have one around jus right now. I figure I could use a 5k pot plus a 4.7 resistor to obtain the same values? and if this is correct I just put the resistor to the lug number one of the pot?

  and on the opposite case, what if I had a 20kpot and I wanted to behave like a 10k? what is te procedure to reduce resistance?

Thank you very much for your anwers!



Combining a 5k pot and a 4.7k resistor like you said will get you to the maximum resistance of 10k, but the minimum resistance you'll be able to reach is the 4.7k. You'll effectively have half the control you'd have with a 10k pot. So while it will work, it will only get you half the variation that a 10k pot will get you. Likewise, you could just use a 5k pot and have the other half of the range.

EDIT: You are correct that you'd need to augment the pot with a resistor if you need the pot to provide a fixed 10k for part of the circuit, this was an oversight on my part in the above paragraph!

To make a 20k pot into a 10k pot, just attach a 10k resistor between lugs 1 and 3. You'd probably get some useful info from "the secret life of pots" on geo.
I don't care much about music. What I like is sounds.
-Dizzy Gillespie


What size pots do you have available as you can adjust the size of bogger pots with parralel resistors

Sanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result. Mick Taylor

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well, I have both a 5k and a 20k pot, I' tried with the  5k pot and the resistor and  the result is that I have a very very very  SLOW tremolo effect, not very useful just as if I turned my guitar volume up and down every 2 seconds or so. I'm  guessing here, I wonder if putting the vactrol backwards would get me  this problem as well...

  I'll definately check out "the secret life of pots" but meanwhile, could you please extend the explanation a bit about the "bogger pots with parralel resistors" part!




Use the 20K pot with a 20K resistor between lugs 1 and 3.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Quote from: frequencycentral on August 29, 2008, 06:33:04 PM
Use the 20K pot with a 20K resistor between lugs 1 and 3.

Oops, that's what I meant to say in my first post!  :icon_redface:
I don't care much about music. What I like is sounds.
-Dizzy Gillespie


Quote from: MusicAudio on August 29, 2008, 05:05:16 PM
Combining a 5k pot and a 4.7k resistor like you said will get you to the maximum resistance of 10k, but the minimum resistance you'll be able to reach is the 4.7k. You'll effectively have half the control you'd have with a 10k pot. So while it will work, it will only get you half the variation that a 10k pot will get you. Likewise, you could just use a 5k pot and have the other half of the range.

Take this technique, use a DPDT switch to switch the resistor on or off so you basically have a fast/slow switch and a speed pot. You'll be able to dial from 0 to 5K in one mode, and in the other mode of the switch, you'll have 4.7K to 9.7K. You could use either that or the 20K to 10K conversion.


^you don't need a DPDT switch, that is way overkill.

You'll still cover some of the same territory with the switch. Seems useless to me.

What it out for your new pot. :D
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What happens if you put the resistor on the other end?