should I power supply filter or not?

Started by curran, September 14, 2008, 10:14:28 AM

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hey everyone-
I am starting to have some success with building pedals BUT I was wondering if i should start to build into all of my circuits a power supply filter stage BEFORE the voltage splitter/divider section on my pedals. this is a fairly simply three piece circuit made up of a 1N4001, 47uf Electrolytic cap, and a .1 bi polar cap. these are all running in parallel  to the power section of any schematic. this is all according to what I have read in some DIY'er books I have that are excellent. it also says that these power filter sections are omitted for simplicity with the understanding that you should already know they need to be put in the circuit. anyway I have built a few pedals without this filter section and they seem to work fine. should i even worry about it or just start making room on my layout creator for it in my pedals.

Love Curran


Hi Curran,

To me, filtering always falls into the "better safe than sorry" category.  I generally include it on my builds.


Cool. the pedals I have running right now do not have them on there. I built a ripping 250+ clone that I also modded out for a tighter low end for 7 string guitars thing and it has a power supply diveider section I think but it may also be a filter section in there as well

Love Curran :)