DH Pitch Shifter Debug

Started by goodrevdoc, April 24, 2009, 09:54:53 PM

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Hi there, just built this up and i'm not getting any effect on the output. Here's the skinny:

1. DH Pitch Shifter, from GGG

2. http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=124&Itemid=26

3. Etched my own board, from the layout.

4. No parts substitutions.

5. Not negative ground, but the power scheme is a little weird for a stompbox. Nevertheless, I'm getting 3.86V on the positive rail and -3.77V on the negative rail.

6. So I traced the input signal on my scope. through the jack and stompswitch, no problem. Through the input amp(U1A) no problem. Through R4 and C3, still no problem. R10 is where the problem starts. I get virtually no signal on the Pin 6 side of R10. But plenty of signal on Pin 5. Also no signal on the output (pin 9). THe LED on Pin 8 flashes just fine with the input signal.

7. Voltages.
10.77V supply (pos rail 3.86V neg rail -3.77V)

U1: 4558
1. 0V
2. 0V
3. 0V
4. -3.77V
5. 0V
6. 0V
7. 0V
8. 3.86V

U2: HT8950
1. 3.82V
2. 3.82V
3. 0.43V
4. 0V
5. 1.4V
6. 1.4V
7. 3.84V
8. 0V
9. 3.78V
10. 1.39V
11. 3.85V
12. 1.4V
13. 1.32V
14. 1.31V
15. 3.68V
16. 3.82V
17. 3.82V
18. 3.82V

So there it is. Any help is greatly appreciated.


I should also add that the dry part of the signal passes just fine. IE, when the mix pot is 50% or less, i get clean signal. But if it run it up any, the signal just fades...