FF>OA Buffer> TMO22 > GE's = less than unity

Started by petemoore, October 02, 2008, 12:52:37 PM

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  instead of building another Tycho, I decided to try:
  Si Fuzzface's output to a TL082 buffer stage driving a Mouser TM022 transformer secondary, then two diodes across the primary cathodes are the output.
  Buffer stage seemed like a decent idea for something to put before a transformer.
  I figure I don't need an output capacitor because the transformer blocks DC.
  Out put is raunchy fuzz with touch or so of maybe octave, less than unity.
  Perhaps a FF isn't the best candidate for octave because the output is assymetrical...
  The amount of boost the FF alone outputs is comparable with 9v boosts and fuzzes I guess, apparently not as hot as the Tychobrahe boost into darlingtons.
  So far it's just an add-on perfboard [with room 'to the left' to put more components].
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  It lives again !
  I added a booster stage after the FF to help drive the tranny and bring the output level up.
  I also added 'symmetry' diodes 1n400x to the FF's volume pot input to ground.
  Debugged for a good while, I missed an underboard joint, this is going in the FF's box so it's a bit tight.
  Pretty good neat octo-fuzz !
  I believe the Si diodes only really clamp much when the input to the FF is strong, that is when it seems to make the most octave, then the fade is into wierdness.
  The idea here isn't to build a Tycho, and at this point is certainly not to save on parts count.
  Mainly to diddle with octave and see what I can come up with using...what is better understood, the Tycho's front end has some confusion to me, which does produce nice octa-fuzz and high output..
  I didn't even put a volume control on the booster yet, I might sacrifice the FF volume pot for resistors and use that as a 'gain' knob after the booster.
  Si FF w/symmetrical diodes on the output > LPB-ish Booster > OABuffer > Tranny > Diodes > output.
  The transformer, booster and opamp are a small board and their circuit is wrapped around, over and under a 14 pin socket.
  Definitely sounds like a transformer Octa-Fuzz so far. I might try Ge Diodes to see if that makes what the FF puts out become more symmetrical.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.