Multiple transistor rangemaster question.

Started by frank_p, October 06, 2008, 07:49:06 PM

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Well, I already made a npn positive ground (ordinary with one transistor).  Now there is a 2N3903 (Dragonfly's advice) in the socket (I know, I know, sockets ... hrm).  So if I make a pnp positive ground I will have to buy some low gainers pnp silicon transistors.  I don't think I have low gain PNPs...


The best test I could imagine to compare NPN and PNP RM is with complementary NPN and PNP Ge from the same factory, say ac187/188. They must similar hfe and leakage also.


mac@mac-pc:~$ sudo apt install ECC83 EL84


Noted, thanks Mac.  But it's not at the store near home: will have to go shopping again, and this is bad, I get compulsive.


Hope you do not need a loan for buying a matched PNP-NPN pair :D

mac@mac-pc:~$ sudo apt install ECC83 EL84


I am not there yet.  But if it goes on, I will have to play guitar in the metro.  Well, spanish harp work better in that case.