Building built-in fx

Started by therizky, October 24, 2008, 08:08:27 AM

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i'm planning to mod my strat with a built-in preamp,i think it would be more effective and efficient than building it as a stompbox,i also has checked it inside room,...well,pretty obvious that i don't need to do any digging...

bcoz i never built any booster before,just a lot of fuzz boxes, the question is...could you recommend me one preamp circuit that fairly clean at max volume and have a rich gain? that i don't need to try all it out...


Mark Hammer

I vote for building in a single FET buffer/preamp that has no more than 3-4x gain.  The buffering part is the most important, and is likely more effective if it precedes the first cable than if it follows it..  The small amount of gain is simply to optimize S/N ratio.

More elegant still is Don Tillman's FET preamp cable.  The beauty of this is that, as he says, "it preamps anything it touches".  It also means the guitar is stock, that you never have to change batteries in the guitar or figure out where to stick a battery, and that one  preamp cable can be applied to as many guitars as you choose to use, even those belonging to other people.  The downside is that you can't just use any cable.


wow,that preamp cable looks great mr.Mark,...worth to try...thanks for the idea!


yeah... that cable's a great idea!
I'll definitely be building that  ::)
