ITS8 tube screamer issue

Started by si, November 02, 2008, 03:29:54 AM

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I have add some problems getting my tube screamer ITS8 working.

Basically when I plug it in, I get a signal fine until I switch the pedal on then I get no sound at all.
I have checked the voltages on the IC and it seems fine, I have checked all the wiring and soldering etc and all seems fine.

Any ideas out there as I have been battling with this for sometime now and am really hangin to get this thing workin!!

Please help.




If you haven't read it yet...I would suggest reading the dubug thread --->

It seems like there have been alot of people with non working tubescreamers lately. Here is what I would suggest. Sit down with a scematic of the tubescreamer, A highlighter, and your circuit board. And trace all the connections on your board, highlighting them on the schematic as you go. At the end....if you have any connections not connected, this will be shown as a non-highlighted part on the schematic.

Using an audio probe can be very helpful as well. Probe around and see if you get sound anywhere.

Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck. Maybe post some voltages for us to look out (ic, transistors, etc.)
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.


Hi Simon, welcome aboard.

First thing I'd suggest is to have a read here and post back what you find - there's an incredible array of talented, knowledgable people here who are always keen to help - but they need info to go on!!

[edit - Ian beat me to it!!)]

With something like this, if you done what it says on the box, then it will work, simple as that.  Therefore the implication is therefore that something you've done (and we've all been there!) isn't right!  Find that something, and you're away laughing :)



Thanks guys,

I will have read and post back with info that I find, unless I find the problem myself and hopefully fix it :)




Ok guys,

Problem fixed, went through the Debug info and found that I had fried the IC, seems I wasn't doing properly when I checked it first time around.

I put in one of the extra IC's that come with the kit, and plugged it in, all good!!

Sounds great.

Thanks for the tips

