Anyone sell wedge-shaped enclosures these days?

Started by superferrite, November 13, 2008, 09:58:46 PM

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Nuff said.
Couldn't find out with the search function.

Sorry, I've been out of the "effects loop" for a few months and I'm stepping back up to the soldering bench!

Psychedelic Garage Metal


There are some semi-wedge shaped cast alumimum enclosures at -- then there are things like these boxes from LMB Heeger, but they're not very stomp-friendly. I actually have one and have thought about lining the damn thing with bondo or somehow reinforcing it with cross struts or something.


I've not used them yet, but Hammond makes a series of these, Mouser and Digikey carry them

Nothing witty yet ...


You might be able to get hold of an old tri-ang model railway controller from the 60's as they look very similar to the 30 degree box and are slightly bigger than a snarling dogs black dog style box. I recently got two working ones for next to nothing but have not had the chance to try them out yet. I don't know what the screening will be like as they have vents around the side to keep the transformer cool.
One possible use would be to build a valve pedal in them and leave the transformer intact, but it would be a squeeze. I have seen two versions. One with controlled 12v dc and uncontrolled 15v ac, the other has additional uncontrolled 12v dc for running a second controller from, and I think they are rated at 1 or 2 amps. I have not tried them to see how effective the rectification or smoothing is but it shouldn't be difficult to improve. The stomp switch could go where the control knob is in the middle of the slope.