Where i can find a versatile LFO to share for Ross Phaser/Nyquist A./Uglyface?

Started by gigimarga, January 21, 2009, 07:46:01 AM

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After testing Uglyface with LFO (thx Tim Escobedo and Mick Bailey!) i realized that i can obtain very nice strange sounds using a LFO with more waveforms and/or another tweakings (i don't know which are these...i will study the Tremulus Lune LFO soon).

The LFO of Mick Bailey (http://www.avwz35.dsl.pipex.com/uglyface%20lfo%20&%20mods.jpg) sound very good, but i want more...

So, where i can find a versatile LFO and how can i used it shared (more clearer, i know from Mark Hammer that in Ross Phaser i must to be careful when decreasing the 10K resistor from LFO to stages because it's possible to fry the LM13600)?
What calculations i must to do before?

Thx a lot all!