What is a noise567?

Started by aChorusofJays, May 03, 2009, 07:14:57 PM

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Anyone here remember or already build the noise567 pedal? Someone also did a version called "MayheM" a while back, and being the noisehead that I am I was interested from the word go, I just don't know what it does, what it sounds like etc... Anyone know?

As a side note, I really envy you guys that have a breadboard setup with extra components lying around, would be great to have a Ruby and stuff setup in my garage just waiting to test out some designs. (Would be nice to have a garage as well!)

biggy boy


No, there isn't. I did a couple of hours of searches on it, and came up with very little besides that geocities site and the posts here. Sounds interesting, I'm just wondering what it does since each build is kind of an all or nothing thing for me at this point.

If anyone has any info, I'd be every interested!


I've built the Thing Modulator which uses the same chip and the best way to describe it is a simple pseudo ring modulator. Ideal if you want an easy way to make your guitar go "clang" and "bong".
Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.


The original schematic is here http://personal.inet.fi/koti/holmberg/schem.html along with the classic Bazzfuss and more of Hemmo's stuff.


That actually sounds like it might be up my alley, I'll have to check that out. I'm looking at building a fuzz (probably Dirty Sanchez), and would like to put something else in the box as well, so this might make for a simple 2nd build to incorporate. Could actually complement each other as well.