Fuzz to build to sell for a donation?

Started by gutsofgold, November 24, 2008, 12:08:37 PM

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I have a lot going on in my life right now  :icon_confused: and I've been trying to keep busy with pedals. I'm going to build something to donate breast cancer awareness, I have an awesome enclosure picked out I just need to decide on what to build inside. I think most people would bid on and enjoy a really nice but simple fuzz. Something everyone could find a use for ya know? I'm looking for both suggestions here and maybe permission to use a nice layout? Whatever this pedal sells for will go to a to be determined breast cancer awareness foundation.


The Bazz Fuss is a really simple build. Very few parts so you can make alot of them for very little in cost in short time.


try this it cost a little over $20. Maybe $30. im making it right now. doesnt look that hard to build(famous last words) :icon_biggrin:
i play bass.

Joe Hart

I would say a nice FF or TB with maybe an input cap blend knob (for some tonal variation -- very little extra cost and work and it doesn't mess with the circuit too much like a tone stack would) and maybe a bias knob for some more variety with little extra work/cost. This way you would be providing a bit more than just another fuzz clone.
-Joe Hart


i play bass.


My vote is for the Axis Fuzz - really nice and pretty simple (silicon trannies).