Swopping components in my US Big Muff Pi

Started by random_name, November 24, 2008, 05:24:26 AM

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Hello there, I bought one of the reissue Big Muff Pi's a while ago, but to be honest I've never really been that happy with it, just a bit too harsh/buzzy for my taste. I know there are quite a lot of circuit mods you can do, and I'll probably get onto them eventually, but I'd like to try replacing the existing components for higher grade ones first, so what I'd like is suggestions for brands of capacitor that might sound better (will they make an audible difference?) I'm also not very clear about which Diodes or Transistors I can substitute for the ones in there now (1N6263's and 2N5088's) or how much of a difference they would make. Thanks in advance.


Hello, welcome aboard!

First off, I have never replaced components in a pedal for higher quality ones, as I don't find it worth it. However, people often replace ceramic capacitors with film capacitors. You could try starting there.



I swapped out the coupling caps in my Big Muff PI for .1uf caps and socketed my transistors. I ended up with lower gain transistors (I think a combo of 3904's and BC109's ?). Both of those easy "mods" made a big difference. The pedal is much smoother and not as harsh.



Quote from: Zben3129 on November 24, 2008, 07:08:35 AM
Hello, welcome aboard!

First off, I have never replaced components in a pedal for higher quality ones, as I don't find it worth it. However, people often replace ceramic capacitors with film capacitors. You could try starting there.

Ok, thanks, the only modding experience I have had so far is with amps and guitars and having done that and having noticed the improvements in tone you get with better quality components, I was wondering if it would make a difference with pedals.

QuoteI swapped out the coupling caps in my Big Muff PI for .1uf caps and socketed my transistors. I ended up with lower gain transistors (I think a combo of 3904's and BC109's ?). Both of those easy "mods" made a big difference. The pedal is much smoother and not as harsh.


Yup, I am definitely going to put some transistor sockets in there, but I wasn't sure which transistors I could sub for the 2N5088's (it's ages since I did any Electronics theory) and I wasn't even sure if I'd have to change any components elsewhere if I used a different type. If I had the  spec sheet for a transistor, what specs would I have to look at to know if it would work as a substitute?




You need general purpose NPN type. High gain low noise etc.



Quote from: Zben3129 on November 24, 2008, 02:28:45 PM


You need general purpose NPN type. High gain low noise etc.


Brilliant, thanks, what Diodes can I substitute for the 1N6263's?


One thing to be very aware of with modding EHX pedals is the fact that the trace lifts of the board very very easily with little heat, EHX PCB's aren't the highest quality and can cause troubles.

If the trace does lift just scratch the green layer off and bend the component lead over onto some newly exposed trace and solder it to that.


Ok, ta for the tip, I'll watch out for that, if the worst comes to the worst I'll just make a new board.