Germanium FET's (any opinion?)

Started by Evad Nomenclature, November 28, 2008, 08:47:05 PM

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Evad Nomenclature

As I've been stocking my bench like crazy over the last couple months or so, the one thing I realized that I really didn't have really any stock of were GE transistors.  Just a couple of PNP sets I got from Niels a couple of months ago that I was getting ready to load into a couple of pedals I am making for xmas presents. (and 1 set reserved for my board of course!   :icon_lol: )

Anyhoo, i was digging through and thinking/reading and researching about different kinds of Germaniums, the countries of their origins, ID numbers, gain testing.. yada yada, (and to make a short story long) I see something about Germanium Fet's (which I didn't know existed)

(so yeah... again... short story long lol)

Anyone have any experience with any of these? Any recommendations?  Also, any recommendations about germanium NPN's?
I know from my research that the PNP's were the easiest to manufacture, hence their "abundance" in relation to the NPN's, but I haven't seen many people mention GE accept for FF pedals.

I've been pretty obsessive over this new habit that I formed about 6 months ago, and I love to at least have a couple of everything on my bench, so I can at least try *everything*.

Evad Nomenclature III
Master of Dolphin Technologies


All I know is the first JFETs were made from germanium.  I doubt there are many places that sell them now.  But if you get something working, don't post component values.   ;)  Ge and JFET each are highly variable, and both in one part would be even worse!