micro diode clipping board

Started by sickbend, November 23, 2008, 09:28:41 PM

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so I decided to shrink the diode clipping board on beavis site about the screamer labs clipping section by using a dip switch  this happens to be so tiny you can get it to fit in several boss and ibanez pedals as is and it's  very simple tons of clipping selections just by replacing the diodes with this board and 4 wires. I'm going to start adding this to my pedal mods soon distortion tone is a personal choice and with this it gives the freedom of the end user to have more freedom in how there pedals sound 4 main clipping arangments plus you can stack them as well not bad for 1.044 by .739 inches  :P



Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


I dig it.

Only problem for me is that I don't have fingernails long enough to actually switch those little suckers...if I ever make one, I'll ziptie some sort of makeshift stylus inside the enclosure for when I want to mess with it :-P
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band: http://www.bellwethermusic.net


update I decided to make a working prototype I love this thing need 2 silicone 4001s to finnish it but I'm very much liking the ability to switch this out on the fly



Is that a TS-7?

I switched the main clipping diodes for red LEDs and I really like that tone.  There's a switchable shottky in parallel too, but I think I'll swap it for something else.  The shottky's low threshold is overwhelmed by the LED threshold and ends up sounding like fizzy noise.



QuoteIs that a TS-7?

yes it is a ts-7 I like the leds to but my favorite is d3 1n914 and d4 1n4002. after doing the keeley mod it just gives it great asymmetrical tube warmth. This board if made a lil larger could be used also for types of cap selections say the tone cap you could have 4 choices for frequency response and 4 tone choices at where the frequency roll off starts on a big muff style tone control say a boss ds 1 this board is very versatile and I'm really digging it like I said I like lots of options on my pedals and this gives me that in a very small package


QuoteI dig it.

Only problem for me is that I don't have fingernails long enough to actually switch those little suckers...if I ever make one, I'll ziptie some sort of makeshift stylus inside the enclosure for when I want to mess with it :-P

I thought I'd just use my guitar pick  ;)


Joe Hart

I'm not too familiar with DIP switches (I've seen them and used them in stuff -- nothing I've built). Can they be mounted so they are accessed from the outside of the pedal like any other switch? I would be very interested in doing this, but not so much if I had to open the pedal every time I wanted to change something (my pedals are mounted to a pedalboard). Thanks!!
-Joe Hart

Tony Forestiere

Very intelligent and minimalistic way to perform what could be a daunting task. I especially like the way you showed the visual idea of the switch banks in your first picture 8) DIP switches in a rocker configuration (as opposed to the difficult to select slide switches) could help with the "click-with-a-pick" selection (maybe at a slightly higher cost).

A couple of these units would be very helpful while breadboarding to fine tune a specific stage's clipping tone/demeanor.

Great idea.

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