Beginning mod-er : what component values to buy?

Started by timmyo, November 22, 2008, 10:02:22 AM

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I keep threatening to jump in and start modding pedals and now is the time. I'm going to put in an order to Rapid (UK-based supplier) for an initial stash of components to ahve to hand, and was wondering if collating a sensible pedal-modders-stash-list is something that had been done before (rather than me sift through mod schenaatics and draw up a list, which I'll do if I have to)




Cheers man - top page, hadn't seen that one.

I have been toying with ordering a Beavis Board, but i guess I'm just being cheap  :icon_redface:


OK an initial stab at this:
1N4148 75V 150MA SIGNAL DIODE. (RC)
Zener diodes - which ones?
Ceramic Caps :
21x   10pF, 100pF, 1nF, 10nF, 100nF
14x   22pF, 47pF, 220pF, 47pF, 2.2nF, 4.7nF, 22nF, 47nF
7x   220nF
Miniature Polyester Caps :
15 x 1n   10 x 4n7   10 x 22n
10 x 2n2   15 x 10n   10 x 47n
20 x 100n   5 x 470n   5 x 220n
Radial Electrolytic capacitor :
10 x 1µ 63V   15 x 10µ 25V   15 x 100µ 16V   3 x 1000µ 16V
10 x 2µ2 63V   5 x 22µ 25V   5 x 220µ 16V   3 x 1000µ 25V
10 x 4µ7 63V   10 x 47µ 25V   5 x 470µ 16V   2 x 2220µ 16V
Metal Film Resistors
10 x 10R   10 x 150R   10 x 910R   15 x 5K6   15 x 33K   15 x 220K   
10 x 15R   10 x 180R   20 x 1K   15 x 6K8   10 x 39K   10 x 240K   
10 x 22R   20 x 220R   20 x 1K2   10 x 7K5   10 x 43K   10 x 270K   
10 x 33R   20 x 270R   15 x 1K5   10 x 8K2   20 x 47K   20 x 330K   
10 x 39R   30 x 330R   10 x 1K8   30 x 10K   15 x 56K   10 x 390K   
15 x 47R   10 x 390R   10 x 2K   15 x 12K   10 x 68K   20 x 470K   
10 x 56R   10 x 430R   20 x 2K2   15 x 15K   10 x 75K   10 x 560K   
10 x 68R   20 x 470R   10 x 2K7   10 x 16K   10 x 82K   10 x 680K   
10 x 75R   10 x 560R   15 x 3K3   10 x 18K   40 x 100K   10 x 820K   
10 x 91R   10 x 620R   10 x 3K9   10 x 20K   15 x 120K   30 x 1M   
30 x 100R   20 x 680R   25 x 4K7   20 x 22K   10 x 150K      
10 x 120R   10 x 820R   10 x 5K1   15 x 27K   10 x 180K



Looks like a good selection for modding pedals, and if you decide to move over to making some, it will make a good start to your stash.

If you want the zener diodes for clipping then you probably want low voltage ones 4 or 5 volts max. I would maybe get some LEDs instead as they are commonly used in pedal mods.

Joe Hart

I've had great success with what Homer Simpson calls "Crappenfest" -- trash collection day (and it comes 52 times a year!). Here are 5 easy steps to make the most out of your next Crappenfest:

1 - Cruise around and grab all the old radios, TV's, VCR's, etc. that people leave out on the curb.
2 - Once back home, open your presents with a hammer, screwdriver, crowbar, rock, whatever.
3 - Pull out all the circuit boards, marvel at all the "mojo" components, then toss all the boards into a big cardboard box.
4 - Throw out all the smashed up plastic.
5 - When you need a component, locate it on one of the boards, de-solder it, and enjoy that warm feeling you get from not only recycling, but also saving yourself 3 cents (or more if you find some neat tropical fish caps, old carbon resistors, germanium transistors, etc.).

-Joe Hart


Quote from: Joe Hart on November 23, 2008, 02:05:52 PM
5 - When you need a component, locate it on one of the boards, de-solder it, and enjoy that warm feeling you get from not only recycling, but also saving yourself 3 cents (or more if you find some neat tropical fish caps, old carbon resistors, germanium transistors, etc.).

+1. I recycle resistors, transistors, diodes, caps, ICs (up to 8 pin at least) and generally 50% of a given project is made from recycled bits.

Just to be on-topic I'll add a somewhat worthwhile (although overpriced) Craplins offering -- the GCSE component pack @ £21.99 actually contains a useful general selection of bits and you could certainly make a fuzz or overdrive pedal from one. Includes a bit of stripboard. Edit: Meh, they're out of stock, and I wouldn't want to actually promote Maplins anyway.


Cheers guys.

For my first order I kept it simple and just got the bits I need to mod my first pedal (a wah) – and I'm making up a list of other stuff to get me started with some building projects. When I think I've got that finalized I'll post it here.

Yes even I can tell that Maplin is not great (and certainly not great prices)

I've been looking on Rapid and BitsBox websites.

Good idea re the scavenging :D


For the beginning modder I actually wouldn't reccomend scrapping parts. You can still look for things and scrap parts out of them (very fun, never know what you might find) but I wouldn't use them in anything for a while. When you are starting off its necesary to not have to worry if the part you grabbed really is what it says it is, or if its a burnt component, or have to worry about the short leads, etc.

But having a stockpile of junk to harvest from is never a bad idea for down the road.



The other bonus to the scavenging is you'll learn to read resistor and capacitor codes quickly :D


ok I'm back tackling my shopping list (why does one place not have everything ?  ;D )

Zener diodes : what voltages do I need for general pedal use ?


I tried to get Everything on my first order. I spent over $500 and I realized only a week later that almost every interesting schematic I came across had a unique part that I didn't have.

a few kits from Small bear cover a lot of ground though.


I'm trying to fo it from UK suppliers, but thanks for those links.

Right well I've placed an order with Rapid Online - came to about £80 (although that did include an enclosure and some other bits and bobs too.