recommendation for hi/lo booster

Started by krachbox, December 18, 2008, 10:08:17 AM

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I want to build to build two switchable boosters, bass and treble, in one box. I want the best possibel boom on the bass and an ear hurting boost for treble. They also do not require to be (totally) clean.

Any recommendations?




You could try modifying this:

Just use a stompswitch in place of the 500K Treble/Bass knob, and add some resistors instead across the lugs to give you your desired treble,if theyr'e even necessary.  Make the bass cap huge.  Make the treble cap 100pf. 

That oughtta spank your eardrums! 
The people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.


two tweeked readily available Stratoblasters will fit in a single hammond 1590 enclosure turned 90 degrees (2 switches with battery in between when looking at the inside)...easy booster with tons of mods to focus it towards hi or bass. Probably as small of PCB footprint as possible. Or do 2 of jack ormans universal circuit board boosters, each with a seperate focus.
My tender heart bleeds for you, idiot.


doesn't the purple peaker by dan armstrong do hi, lo, or both? i know they have a pcb for it on tonepad though :icon_mrgreen:
freedom is the freedom to say 2+2=4