VIDEO of my new FX box! (audio ark)

Started by loss1234, November 29, 2008, 12:42:02 PM

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details will be forthcoming

the tracking is done with really basic stuff. a buffer and a PLL and a ton of dividers.

the basic tracking system took me months of tweaking to get the values right and it did NOT come from any ONE source. you could say i just banged my head into a wall over and over until it worked.

the only schematics in this that are STOCK are the ASM2 circuits ( many of which got modified) which i used as a time saver. i had actually spent a long time coming up with VCO, vca, AR,circuits on the breadboard but then was told about the ASM2 and saw no reason NOT to use it. (great board btw...just google ASM2)

gut shots might be a bit scary as the inside has HUNDREDS of wires. i did my best to make em look nice but with 6 pcb's and a PSU as well as all the rotary switches and ten jacks in the back...well it is a bit out of hand.

this project used 5 of my own home etched boards (with pcb artwork that i laid out myself) and then the one massive asm2 board.
the filter is based around the long rare SSM 2044 (as used in the korg poly six or trident) and was based on datasheets and breadboard tweaks,

there is certainly no one schematic you could look to to build this system. it is a mix of my own work, standard synth circuits (the asm2 stuff is from electronotes), and hundreds of hours modifying things to work properly within the system. i think the real sucess is the way it is all integradted and setup so that even without synth knowledge, you can get cool sounds with a guitar. no patch cords needed.

the rotary switch routing system for CV is my own system, and while not totally unique, i think it works well.

i WOULD NOT recommend this project for anyone as a buiding experience. it is giant and took forever to build. BUT it is amazingly flexible and sounds amazing!

i got a new sound out of it everytime i touched it. unlimited possibilites.i have had a few requests to build more and i might, but only if the price is right.

my plan now is to market a much smaller box that utilizes some of the  same fx and the tracking system.

there is also talk of doing a pcb of the tracking section.

watch this space for updates. it might be awhile before anything happens as my wife is due real soon.

and also, the schematics (mostly) were hand-drawn or are full of errors, as they were meant for me, not the forum. so i have to redraw everything before i post anything.

both GEZ and markusw were really helpful in figuring out some basic PLL questions and this forum was a lifesaver for some of the guitar related troubleshooting questions.

this box was really meant as a tool to bring the guitarist into the world of synthesis and i think it does that quite well.

mp3's soon as well as a website.

the response has been overwhelming. i guess people like it!

i will post more pictures and stuff but i have never been able to figure out how to post an image on this forum so it might be awhile ;)



Happiness is a effin' hot soldering iron


hey guys

havent forgotten about details but this wednesday my wife and i brought home our new baby boy



so it will be bit before i get in much bench time

thanks for all the interest


Well congrats on the new even cooler achievement  ;)


okay, you need to get a life, wife, job or hobby....
Nice work mad scientist!


is a bad ass name  :D

i think the coolest part is the surname
easyface,phase 90,many fuzz faces,feedback looper,tremulus lune and so on soon to be ADA!


okay, you need to get a life, wife, job or hobby....

Hey, I have all three PLUS two kids (one just born this week!)



Double 4yr old is really good at taking things if he would just learn to put them back together.