Replacement pots for new RAT2...

Started by sjaltenb, December 20, 2008, 12:42:31 AM

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Well i was putting my RAT2 back together and when I was trying to shove the knob shaft down into the pot it busted the cover off the back of the pot and it came apart. I was able to reassemble it but now the knobs kinda go up and down, and you have to pull UP for them to turn. anyway they need to  be replaced.

they are 100k but are PCB mounted with the weird socket and shaft thing for the knobs. I have no clue where to start looking on Mouser...they seem very odd.

Any help would, as always, be greatly appreciated! I would have pictures but of course i left my camera in mississippi and wont have for a few weeks.....



Welcome to the world of the Chinese-made RAT! Your best bet is cropping/cutting the circuit board down to a size that will accomodate case mounted pots (versus board mounted)  and running new normal shaft length 16mm replacements. 100K ohm I believe. You basically can trim off excess circuit board as long as you don't break the ground trace the follows the perimeter of the circuit.
My tender heart bleeds for you, idiot.