Advice For a Beginner

Started by Kearns892, December 17, 2008, 06:34:50 PM

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>Where do you suggest I buy these, I searched 4558 on small bear and nothing came up.

What??? STORE link above! hehehehe

Unfortunately I just closed for the Holidays.


You guys were right, I just typed in the number in "search" but since it was part of the larger ID code I guess the search didn't turn it up, when I went through the list by hand I found.

I'm gonna go ahead and order a decent supply of components, most of them from futurlec, and a few other more stompbox specific items from small bear. This should give me enough to build at least 5 different circuits (I'm using the schematics posted on Beavis, thanks Dano), and that protoboard I mentioned earlier, a real good start.

I'm really glad I went this way instead of ordering a kit, I've learned so much about the components I'll be using just from having to figure out what I actually need, convert capacitor values, and reading that intro to schematics (thanks again Dano). Thanks a lot for the tips, you guys have been a wealth of information, and I'm sure you'll be hearing from me again once the parts come in.