Can't get rid of Bypass Pop, I tried everything!!

Started by Sweetalk, July 30, 2008, 03:17:52 PM

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I'm just switching signal, the ground it's common (with an aluminium enclosure). The switching diagram that i'm using it's the common for millenium use:

   |                    |                   |

   |                    |                   |
JACK OUT    JACK IN           FX IN

I tried with a CGB-95 Crybaby (buffered input) and the noise it's still the same, crybaby on or off...

Now I'm with a 3PDT switch, can be helpful to ground the FX Input while the pedal it's on bypass??

Thank you all for the help!


you said you did a neat wire job, are any of them tucked in against the shell or possibly pinched anywhere? i had a pedal that popped until i pulled some of my neatly placed wires away from the shell. if you haven't already try removing the switch from the shell and switching it on and off.


I already did that, still popping... the eternal popping pedal! :icon_mad:. Recently tried a brand new 3pdt switch and the pop it's the same. Whitout the 1M Pulldown resistor the pop it's VERY big, I also tried 510K for pulldown but no change. Grounding the fx input when bypassed didn't do the trick.... I resoldered the ground path and still popping the same way...

I'm running out of ideas!


Hi there,

Have you resolved this problem yet?

Have you tried a very large value pulldown resistor? Sometimes I'll throw a 3.8 Meg or something in there if a pedal is popping louder than usual. You said it makes a difference betweek the 510k and the 1 meg, so perhaps this might help remedy it.

Also, I'd grab an alligator clip and just temporarily bridge the input jack and effect input and test the switch out again (non true bypass). This will at least tell you if it is the initial connection of the input to the effect input is causing that pop.

Is your effect input or output signal being sent to ground when it is bypassed? I think EH wires the re-issues so that both the FX in and FX out go to ground when it is disengaged. That will help discharge any of the Electrolytic caps fully and prevent the pop from occurring.


Sorry if im reviving this thread, but this can be a very annoying problem. I came across it yesterday and reduced it (impossible to get rid... grr.) by putting a 1k pulldown resistor on the output to ground. It reduced it to a manageable, ignorable level.


After a LONG time came back to the forum (busy months!!!). I tried in another amp and the pop disappeared. I have an old (1972) valve amp and apparently has a poor DC isolation and tiny dc voltages came like a huge POP.

In my new builds i measure the dc voltage from input and output and check from there, also do the "led voltage delay" trick and everything it's ok.

Entrant_21 measure the dc voltage, check in another amp and let us know.