Making an other transistor tester - need advices for audio uses

Started by frank_p, January 28, 2009, 10:34:19 PM

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Would a more flexible transistor tester be useful for testing transistors for other projects ?

I had that big tester in head (but I am not sure if the resistors cominations-SW could be better tailored for stompbox -and perhaps audio power transistors- , ...but not sure).

Perhaps a smaller version would be sufficient ?
Did you runned in projects where you had to test transistors at different current values ?

I am not even sure that if I have some adjustable power supplies already, it would be really usefull...

The first one I built (before the one for GEs at GEO was this one (at the bottom):

However the currents were kind of high in some cases.
Does the idea of the 100K Ohm resistor in series with the rest is a good idea to lower the base current (and V) and the ICE VCE at the same time ?

I had this in my mind for a long while so...  I ask for some comments, if you have some.

