Pearl Octaver build HELP!!

Started by armdnrdy, December 08, 2011, 01:36:47 PM

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I made the double sided board using Eagle. (Not my first board) After a couple of near misses with alignment the board turned out very good and the effect works great! but there is one bug that I am trying to squash.

When all of the volume controls are turned off there is a low volume fuzzy sound when I strike the strings. The sound is there when I turn up the different octave volumes but they do not affect the fuzzy sound. It's driving me crazy.

I've tried everything! I've checked grounding, changed ICs, Jfets, opamp decoupling, and re-soldered all of the components and connections but I can't seem to lick this annoying sound.

With the volumes turned off there shouldn't be any signal going to pin 9 of IC6. That's were all of the pots converge to the output.
I have read in posts on DIYStompboxes that two other people have had identical problems with their builds.

Has anyone encountered the same problem with this build and found a solution?

Any help would be appreciated,

I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


Can you post the layout of the board here? Is this a self-made board, or a verified layout?