What's A Chip Really Worth?

Started by WLS, March 18, 2009, 06:05:57 PM

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I just finished breadboarding a project and I am thinking of building a Deluxe Electric Mistress.

As a lot of you know that the board requires one SAD1024A.

This is not an easy chip to find and the price is well...

Since I am new to building boxes. I don't want tobe taken advantage of.


How much should one expect to pay for this rare chip?

I've seen it selling across the pond for upto 76 british pounds.

Next is their really a huge demand for this chip?

If I do find some would anybody be interested in  puchasing some since it is always cheaper to buy in quantity?

Penny For Your Thoughts!
Since I've breadboarded it I can only blame myself.

But It's Just A Chip!

tiges_ tendres

If you search the flanger threads here, you'll see that most of us are now using some clever chap's conversion boards so that you can use more readily available MN.... chips rather than the SAD variety.

Search for the thread on the A/DA flanger I think you should turn up some decent info that would help you.

Try a little tenderness.


Quote from: tiges_ tendres on March 18, 2009, 06:23:08 PM
If you search the flanger threads here, you'll see that most of us are now using some clever chap's conversion boards so that you can use more readily available MN.... chips rather than the SAD variety.

Search for the thread on the A/DA flanger I think you should turn up some decent info that would help you.

Isn't the MN's... Digital?

If so, Digitals do not give the same sound as the old analog chips do.

Since I've breadboarded it I can only blame myself.

But It's Just A Chip!


Quote from: WLS on March 18, 2009, 06:27:28 PM
Isn't the MN's... Digital?
You're looking at the wrong MN3007 datasheet. See: http://www.synthdiy.com/show/?id=834

And to answer your original question: a chip is worth exactly what you're willing to pay for it.  :)

Mark Hammer

Not a criticism, but more of a pause for thought: Flangers are not exactly the easiest builds in the world, and can quickly get expensive as near-first builds, so you may want to consider simply buying something second hand and modding it using the best advice you can get here (and some of it is excellent!).  That will get you something that works for cheap without all the difficulty of troubleshooting.  Again, not a criticism or slap on the wrists; it's just a bit like trying to make a soufflĂ© when the only thing one has ever made before is toast.

As for what prefixes (like MN) can tell you, NEVER underestimate the size of the universe of chips and how many there are that start with prefixes or have suffixes or part numbers that you thought were something entirely different! :icon_lol: