New vero layout: Bass Balls

Started by cathexis, September 26, 2008, 08:29:25 PM

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There's a new veroboard layout in my gallery, the EH Bass Balls, a truly good one. There's a quick and dirty sound clip as well:



good work man! i always loved using vero boards ;) :D


Sorry to dig up an old thread, but is this layout verified? It looks and sounds great, just wanted to double check.


sean k

Well you could trace it out as a schematic then go to topopiccione and check it against his. I think it's always a good idea to know the schematic really well when you go building something and an exercise like copying out from a vero layout is a good way to do that.
Monkey see, monkey do.


I've given it a look over (after finding a datasheet for the 1458) and I can't find any problems with it, but I'm not sure I trust myself. Can anyone confirm?
Schematic here:


I used to say all my layouts were verified to sound at least as good as the sound clip next to it, then someone found an error in my Rat layout, so I have to agree with Sean K:

Quote from: sean k on April 24, 2009, 01:32:58 AM
I think it's always a good idea to know the schematic really well when you go building something and an exercise like copying out from a vero layout is a good way to do that.

Vero is a tricky business, sometimes you find a mistake when building, fix it and forget to update your layout. I just gave away my build of this pedal, but it worked great. Let me know if you have problems with your build, and I'll try to help you.
Has anyone else built this from my layout?


All the clips sound fantastic, the neovibe, the flanger, the vibromatic III, etc.
You get such wonderful sounds that I wonder what speakers your playing through, and what mic you used to capture the sound?


Would you disrespect me if I said that most of them are made with a Behringer V-amp, super clean setting, and no other processing.
It's all in the boxes!  ::)  :icon_wink:
