Si Fuzz Face Vs Ge Fuzz Face shoot out

Started by solderman, April 27, 2009, 12:58:09 PM

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I have just finished a Si Fuzz Face type of box. Since the Germanium or Silicon choice for Fuzz Faces constantly is an issue amongst DIY and others for that matter I thought that since I happen to just recently have built both of them a shoot out between them might be something that some one could be interested in, so here it is.

In the pink corner wearing pink, the PINK NOISE. This is a Fuller modded Ge Fuzz Face with two un leaky AC128 , hFE; 1=92 2=98

In the purple corner wearing purple, the PURPLE HAZE. This is a Fuller modded Fuss Face with a few extra caps and some resistor value changes. Trannies are 2N2222A hFE 1=120 2=147.

Recording conditions;
Beside an unforgivably bad guitar player they were;
Strat with Tex-Mex pickups in position 2 connected directly to first Pink then Purple and a spring reverb with 20% reverb then directly to an Orange Tiny Terror amp (Vol on 11 Gain on 10 tone max) Speaker cab is a 1X12 Celestion Vintage 30 and then in to a SM57 Chinese clone and to a mixer and sound card. No other effects or post production.

About the recording
Everything is recorded twice exept the first clean part. Always first is the Pink Ge then (almost) the same thing with the Purple Si. The gain setting is the same for both. First MIN then 12 then MAX. The Vol is on 3 for Ge and 12 for Si.
If I say so my self I can distinguish a slit difference at MIN where the Si is a tiny winy bit hasher then the Ge then its hard to tell them apart. _shoot_out.mp3

The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)


NOoooo its paranoid! hahaha! seriously, i like that song when im demo-ing amps! nice sound... good shootout!
good comparison between Si and Ge!  ;)
Look at it this way- everyone rags on air guitar here because everyone can play guitar.  If we were on a lawn mower forum, air guitar would be okay and they would ridicule air mowing.


Forgot to cut the silent part before I made the mp3 file It was over 8 Mb now its down to a bit over 2 Sorry for that.

The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)

Fuzz Aldryn


for me the si version sounds definitly better - less wooly, a touch more agressiv, like a fuzz for me should sound. But who I am? I felt instantly in love, when I first fired up my (pure si -except for the diodes) Univox SuperFuzz clone, which is totaly insane - in a good way. Not a fuzz for the weak but for the strong.;) Another proof for me, that I realy don't understand all the hype (or should I say "fuzz") about ge trannies.



Quote from: Fuzz Aldryn on April 27, 2009, 01:25:36 PM

for me the si version sounds definitly better - less wooly, a touch more agressiv, like a fuzz for me should sound. But who I am? I felt instantly in love, when I first fired up my (pure si -except for the diodes) Univox SuperFuzz clone, which is totaly insane - in a good way. Not a fuzz for the weak but for the strong.;) Another proof for me, that I realy don't understand all the hype (or should I say "fuzz") about ge trannies.


No me nether. As a matter of fact I don't care very much for the fuzz sound regardless of the trannies chemical composition. I would like an Ag Fuzz though. :icon_biggrin:

Ps. Was my playing actualy recognisable ??? ;D


The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)