My "Dual Fuzz Face" wiring is OK?

Started by gigimarga, April 30, 2009, 08:58:04 AM

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I've just finnished to build a "Dual Fuzz Face" (one with Ge transistors and one with Silicium transistors using this schematic and layout: which i want to have only 2 pots.
I wired it as in the image below:

It seems to me to sound good, but i have 2 problems:

1. when i switch between them i get a strong  popping
2. it seems to me that it too much hiss

It is possible to do this in a clever way?

Thx a lot all!!

Mark Hammer

I don't know what the hiss problem is, but the popping is probably a result of too much current being drawn by the LEDs.  Many people and threads have discussed this before.  There are a few cures.  I think you can probably find a labnote about it over at


Thx a lot Mark!

The hiss appears with the volume pot before 80% and 100%.
I've just tested the Fuzz Face one by one and the hiss is the same. Is this a common problem with FF?
I used SFT358 with low leakage and BC108B.


Joe Hart

The FF, by nature of the circuit, is a pretty noisy pedal. It is by far the noisiest pedal that I have on my boards (16 pedals that I use most of the time). I think it's just noisy.
-Joe Hart


Thx a lot Joe!
Now i'm feeling better...