Lazy man's sample/hold?

Started by sed, May 13, 2009, 12:49:47 PM

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I've been thinking about building a sample/hold circuit but it seems to request a bit more work than I am willing to put in. So the thought struck me that i could hook up a really radical tremolo, on/off type after some kind och wah or envelope pedal (typically my cry baby). The result would be (in my head) similar to the sound of Maestro FSH-1 for example.

Is there any chance that I could achieve the wanted result this way?


First you should be clearer about what you are talking about when you say sample and hold. A sample and hold circuit is one that samples a voltage when its trigger input crosses zero, and sends that voltage to its output until the trigger input crosses zero again. By itself, a sample and hold circuit is of absolutely no use as a stompbox.

It sounds like you're looking for a step filter sound. In modular synths, it's true that a S+H would be a part of that step filter sound, but you also need a noise source and the actual filter.

The approach you're talking about wouldn't sound much like the FSH-1, and it wouldn't really be much simpler to make. The schem, layout, and parts list for the FSH-1 is here:

It's not that complex of a build, why not just do the real thing?


Sorry about the conceptual shortcoming! What i intend to mimic is something like the sound of a Maestro FSH-1 or a Xotic Robotalk for that matter.

The thought of a Wah feeding a tremolo for such sounds came to my mind as I heard sound samples of the Goatkeeper. A pretty cool effect imo.

Thanks for the opinion anyway!


Why not just build the FSH-1 if that's what you're looking for? It's easier than building a trem plus an envelope filter.