Wanna Help a Brother Out?

Started by denver.p, May 13, 2009, 10:49:40 AM

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I've been scouring through smallbear looking for these Fuzz Face parts, but I can't find what I need. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction (maybe with links?) concerning part sourcing. I'm just not sure which transistors to get to try to swap around, and which capacitors I need. I know that this is NPN Silicon, and that I would like a few lower gain and higher gain transistors. Any help would be appreciated!


  THere are some GE NPN's there...
  The first two and the fourth offerings look like they may be useful for FF type circuits, I've had good luck with 2n2222's, 2n4401's [IIRC they're also NPN] and the 2n2369, the 2n3440's may offer some Hfe's in the 60+ hfe range, between 60 and 130 is a pretty good range for Q1's Hfe, Q2 should be a little higher than Q1, anything over 200hfe tends of course toward being a high gain FF, remember to re-bias when swapping [more true for Ge's, worth a check though], and use the gain knob and the one on your guitar [guitar volume knob], go for the clean-up ability at the guitar [lower gain helps] or the high gain all the time FF, I prefer the cleanup-ability type FF's, and the 'full on' gain sound is actually goes over the top without a touch of pregain [guitar volume knob at say 9 in my case] adjustment makes that less 'wooly' sounding. I'ts easy to go for ultra-gain, a bit more 'finesse' is required to make it clean up at the guitar.
  The other schtuff in the signal chain [includes speaker/pickup and everything inbetween] makes a lot of change in FF responses also...what amp/how much it distorts, what pickup[s, how everythings adjusted etc. 
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks! I`think I`ll buy the ones you listed, then start playing around.


  Leakage...no worries with Si.
  'Usable gain' = Gain - Leakage [Ge transistors].
  A nice wide selection of low gain Si's [and higher gain ones] chews wallet thickness less than the switch..See 'Axis Face' schematic, 'Easy Face' schematics..etc.
  ''GEO: Technology of the Fuzz Face''
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


 For a good selection of silicons for about ten bucks go to ebay and look up vakits I think...they have a store with all kinds of assortments and project kits..
homegrown, family raised couch potatoes. temperament unsurpassed.


Here is another link from Smallbear for workalikes for BC 108s and 109s.