3 knob tonebender transistors

Started by bagudan, July 04, 2009, 06:57:49 PM

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Hi. Way back, I built the 2 knob mk!! Bender with a set of matched transistors form smallbear. It sounds really crazy, like it should. But I´m interested in the 3knob tonebender. Will the same set of transistors work in that cirquit?




  Although its a different circuit the same gain arrangement for a MkII works well in the MkIII. I prefer low gainers in the first two stages (darlington pair) of the MKIII though. like 60-70 hfe.



i've  question about this tonebender.

I'm making one but I wonder if remplacing the Ge transistor for silicon transtistor will change the sound ? Of course it will but how , in the bad way or just different ? maybe it's possible to tweak a little bit the circuit using NPN to make a sound close to the Ge transistor. 

Yes, I know , that seem weird to don't take Ge transos but the Ge transistor are very boring, I've to choise the good one with its good brother, pray attention to the leakage, its gain ect.....

So what NPN transistor take ? I guess low transistor will work better than higher ones, maybe something like  BC109 ?