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Match capacitors??

Started by El Heisenberg, June 03, 2009, 05:31:24 AM

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El Heisenberg

I keep listenin to it, theres an octave on for sure at the end butbit doesnt soind like any green ringer demos ive heard. I tried to find one but couldnt. They all sound kinda like mine. A smooth jawari. Not lik that gorgeous clean harmonicly rich textured sound beavis got on the fuzzlab demo.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


I'm listening to it now... during his narration concerning the green ringer/fuzzlab, the pedal's not engaged--it's just clean tone and amp reverb(?).  When he briefly engages the pedal, it sounds like a fuzz with some octave... not too dissimilar from results that I've heard from my pedal when used with a fuzz face.  I think that the trick is blending the elements involved in certain proportions.  I also think that reverb has a way of smoothing things, too.  Have you e-mailed Dano at Beavis Audio?

Jesse Trbovich -- Philadelphia

El Heisenberg

yes i have a long time ago. Twice. No answer. Like its a secret. I offered 200 bucks for him to build one for me like that! No answer. Are you sure youre listening to the right part?? Its at the end. Theres no fuzz. Its his clean tone. You can hear theboctave, but its not crazy an gainy sounding. Its at the end. It does NOT sound like the green ringer at all.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

The only reason for this thread and building several green ringers is to try to get THAT tone. That clip is the only one ive heard that sounds renotely like that. No other gr clips sound loke it at all. You can plainly hear this clean octave over it while hes talking abiuy the green ringer. Its at the end. The very end. No fuzz.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


Quote from: El Heisenberg on June 04, 2009, 01:16:45 PM
yes i have a long time ago. Twice. No answer. Like its a secret. I offered 200 bucks for him to build one for me like that! No answer. Are you sure youre listening to the right part?? Its at the end. Theres no fuzz. Its his clean tone. You can hear theboctave, but its not crazy an gainy sounding. Its at the end. It does NOT sound like the green ringer at all.
I listened. The part he denoted as the green ringer sounded like a green ringer to me. All green ringers and octaves-up which use a similar circuit will have some grit with the octave up. I think you may be confused about which part is the green ringer demo. Can you give us times on the recording for what you are hearing?

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

El Heisenberg

Argh yes i will do it right now. Anything to get to the bottom of this! Every GR ive heard doesnt play chords like that. When u play achord it sounds like garbage cans crashing around.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

Starts at 10:30/1:11 and ends at like 25 seconds before the end. When he turn the big muff on for a few seconds. Hes talking about it while he play it. Chords sound nothing like tht threw the two GRs ive built so far. 200 bucks! Can anyone get this?! I mean, id rather not pay, but if thats wht it takes. This is my holy grail!
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


As far as I can tell, the green ringer only comes into play at the last 12 seconds of the clip... before that he's playing what sounds like clean guitar (jazzy chords) with a little reverb... The quicktime plugin that I have on my computer doesn't seem to have clock, but I used my watch.  I could be wrong, but it sounds like you're trying to figure out the tone of the section which probably has no effect on at all...

Jesse Trbovich -- Philadelphia

El Heisenberg

no, you can hear the octave. The fuzz at the end is not a GR. Theres no way it can be. Theres no octave!! If THATS his green ringer, than its the crappiest one iver ever heard instead of the sweetest. But im sure thay thats not the ringer. Besides why would he talk about the GR for a whole minute while playin the guitar as if demonstrating it and then only turn on the octave for a few seconds?? But again i think its obvious. The GR doesnt have a crazy gain boost either. Thats the ringer through the big muff!
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


I can understand your point that it seems strange that he'd be talking about the green ringer while not playing it, but I think that  is what is happening... I don't really hear the octave in that section.  In the last 12 seconds, I do hear it.  Maybe e-mail him again and ask about the sound clip...

Best of luck in your octave pursuits...

Jesse Trbovich -- Philadelphia

El Heisenberg

Thats why its so special. The octave is faint and clean. Its barely there. It sparkles. But it is there. At the last 12 seconds all i hear is the fuzz. Less octave than with MY GR and big muff.

Why emal, he wont answer. Ive sent emails to him about other things, but no answer at all. Yes its the right address. Yes i hit the sens button on all the emails. Yes i had my compter plugged in. (im getting used to this forum)
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

I breadboarded the GR with my matched resistors and diodes. It sound different than my other GRs definetly. Closer yo Danos GR. Chords sound smoother. Still cant play complex chords. But before, i couldnt play anY major chord. It sounded like trash cans banging around. Now it sounds like an E major chord! But its still not what beavis had in the demo.

Im positive the fuzz at the end was not the GR. GR has no volume/gain boost.

Its hard the match the diodes because touching then changes the measurement. I also didnt match caps cus the only way to do it is with a meter that has the function built in. 

When measuring the 10k resistors in the circuit while it was on, they gave differrnt readings. Both not 10k.
Would making these reading match up, be what dano did?? I was just picking resistors and diodes that read the same reading.

"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


  Trust that I tried to listen to the exact same part so we are, I think, talking about the same thing. that..I really didn't hear any Green Ringer type tones.
  Quite often GR's that work perfectly are a ''problem'' to the builder because the gatey, cutoff-ish tones aren't as expected and the Octave seems faint.
  I believe this is a narration-timing-off-index type deal.
  I don't think it's possible to make a Green Ringer sound remotely 'clean'. It cries out 'Gnakkish' or 'Gnarley' grinds with a strong guitar pu, then turns weak and sorta 1/2 cuttoff-ey if you try to 'sneak under' the octave by playing very softly with the guitar volume down...there doesn't seem to be an input level associated with this circuit that 'squeaks cleanness' over the gating/under the distortion threshold.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

El Heisenberg

the fuZz didnt sound like a GR either so wheres the GR? im pretty sure the narration was done at the same time as thr demonstration. Its just him talkibg while playing.

The clean tone isnt normal. You can hear an octave!
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."


By its very function, the GR won't give an octave, especially not a clean one, with chords. Those overtones are coming from his (presumably very nice) amp.

It is a nice sound, though :)
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band:


There is something special going on there...

Of course I have no idea what I did to get it. The green ringer was a bog-standard build from a ggg board.

I suspect that what may be going on is a mismatched set of diodes, giving it a little less octave?

Anyway, keeping the fuzzLab running is about as expensive as keeping the Space Shuttle flying. I just haven't had the gumption after the last round of fixes to get it back in 100% operational order.

Maybe this will always remain a mystery, unless someone wants to trace this it  :icon_twisted:


Quote from: dano12 on June 07, 2009, 08:37:44 PM
Maybe this will always remain a mystery, unless someone wants to trace this it  :icon_twisted:
I have to say, I have a whole new appreciation for the term "shake n' bake".  :icon_biggrin:


In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

El Heisenberg


You see?!?!?!? I wasnt crazy!!! Man!
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

Quote from: dano12 on June 07, 2009, 08:37:44 PM
There is something special going on there...

Of course I have no idea what I did to get it. The green ringer was a bog-standard build from a ggg board.

I suspect that what may be going on is a mismatched set of diodes, giving it a little less octave?

Anyway, keeping the fuzzLab running is about as expensive as keeping the Space Shuttle flying. I just haven't had the gumption after the last round of fixes to get it back in 100% operational order.

Maybe this will always remain a mystery, unless someone wants to trace this it  :icon_twisted:

Argh the GR board aint even visible in that pic. Aarrgh! Guess ill have a switch to switch one diode. Ill see on the breadboard when i wake up tonite.

Dano whats wrong with the fuzzlab? Wha hoppin?? Is it just the tonebendet? And there are no details about the fuzzlab jr on ur site.
Whats the deal?

You guys all thought i was crazy! 
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

Well if its useless, whatre you gunna do withbthat GR circuit?? Maybe uh, rip it out and see if you can sell it eh?
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."