fastest envelope control ?

Started by snufkin, May 26, 2009, 04:24:12 PM

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I'm looking to kludge together my first semi original design out of others designs

Im looking to control the effect using amplitude of the signal

what are some good circuits to look at dod/mxr filter? im looking for the fastest response and also something that is fairly simple to build (although I'm not intimidated by more complex stuff anymore)
easyface,phase 90,many fuzz faces,feedback looper,tremulus lune and so on soon to be ADA!

Mark Hammer

Fast response is easy.  Fast response with minimal audible ripple not so easy.

If you want fast, you can just use any old half-wave rectifier and either stick in a small value resistor between the diode and smoothing cap, or no resistor at all.

Understand that the attack time depends on how quickly the smoothing capacitor charges up.  If the cap is small, then it charges up quickly.  But if it is small it discharges quickly too, and produces audible ripple.  That ripple won't be a problem if you deliberately kill your notes quickly by muting them, but if you let a chord sustain, you will hate what you hear.

The cap will also charge up faster if there is more current to charge it with.  So, reducing the resistor before the cap will allow it to charge up faster.  What I find works well is to place an adjustable resistance in parallel the cap and use a larger value cap.  So, a 47R resistor and a 10-22uf cap will still provide reasonably fast attack.  If you place a 33k fixed resistor in series with a 1M pot to ground, you can adjust how quicklly the cap discharges, providing different decay times.
