Attack pot in a Jordan Bosstone or a Sam Ash Fuzz are useful or not?

Started by gigimarga, June 07, 2009, 02:40:01 PM

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I built some time ago this fuzzes and i'm still in love with both.
My question is if the attack pot (wired as a volume pot on the input) has a big influence or not?
I keep it all the time at 100% and i use the volume pot of the guitar instead of it. For my ears seems to be the same thing.

It's that true or not?

Thx a lot!


I made a bosstone and the fuzz pot is usefull to me. I put a resistor with the leg linked to the ground to have sound even with the pot. at 0, it sounds more like a dirty overdrive in this position. But At max, it gives me some crazy sounds, I've to put it at about 3/4 of its curse to have a full fuzz sound.

Anyway, yeah I think it's usefull.
