Ibanez Tube Screamer or Xotic AC Booster

Started by scottjge, June 17, 2009, 07:30:28 PM

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I would like your opinions on which stompbox you think is better and why, before I lay out a bunch of cash only to find out that I should have asked a few questions.

So which do you think is better and whY?
Glenn S


are you talking about building one or the other?  go with the AC.  if not, you're better off asking at thegearpage.net  plenty of opinions about how to spend your money there.


  For the TS you'll be saving a ton of money over the most expensive, the cheapest TS types of course may be less expensive than the build.
  AC sounds like a more exotic thing to have, you can always get a TS or facsimile.
  As far as which one is 'best'....all bets are off, there's no way to tell for sure.
  I could tell a little more if I looked over an AC schematic.
  Better than any is figure out by what you have, what you like, what you need.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Only YOU know which is best, so you should try them out at Guitar Center or something, then decide.

If you're going the DIY way, i guess the TS is the easiest to build and find information on. (I've never seen an AC schematic?)

General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook


Quote from: mnordbye on June 18, 2009, 12:48:51 AM
(I've never seen an AC schematic?)

they exist. i have 3 or so versions.  you can find them at www.freestompboxes.org


Thanks for the input. I have schematics for both and they look a lot alike but there are some differences. From what I can tell the Xotic will do from a clean boost to a overdrive where the tube screamer is distortion right from the very beginning. The Tube Screamer also has a nasal quality to it from what I have read. Which may be a good thing i guess, just depends on what you are looking for. I just don't know how the sound quality is from either one, I have never had a real tube screamer or a clone either for that fact. I have heard some sound clips of both but it is hard to judge from a sound clip because there is so many variables.

I was hoping that someone out there may have had each and could describe the difference. Which to me is more accurate than most sound clips. Most of you guys have great hearing when it comes to stompboxes. I have grown to respect this forum and it's members ! It is one of the best forums that I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of. You always get real supportive input and everyone is willing to help and not keep their secrets to themselves and be selfish. My hat is off to everyone on this forum and hopefully someday I will have the knowledge and expertise that you have.

I guess for the time being I will just continue to do some more reading and thinking before I make a final decision.

Thanks for all your input.

Glenn S


i've had both at some point.  the tubescreamer can do clean boost, but the mid-peak never really goes away.  the tone control is very ingenious but i feel its not implemented as well as it could be.

The AC on the other hand has less of a mid-focus.  it still has a colored sound, but i like the sound of its clipping better than the TS.  the tone controls are different, more of an active, neutral bass/treble boost.  Much better for shaping/matching the sound to your rig.

I modified my TS to sound more like a Timmy, with a W-taper tone pot.  I like it much better now.  it was the visual sound variant.  I sold the AC for the money, but I will build one again when Madbean makes a board for it.


Yes, I would like a board for the AC Booster too but there are none around so I will have to roll my own. I would rather leave that up to someone else but I can do it if I have too. It doesn't look like anyone is going to be making them anytime soon.

Thanks for your input. I like the idea of being able to get the mid's were you want them according to the amp that you are playing, that is the main reason that I started looking around for a box that allow me to do that. I don't know how many other boxes that are out there that would give me a clean boost if I wanted or a slight overdrive at other times and still stay in the country, blues style. I like the sound of good ole Stevie Ray but he had a lot of variables and ever matching and duplicating that sound is slim to none unless  you want to roll out a lot of cash.

I think the AC Boost is aabout the best I will find,  or at least the best that I have heard of so far.

Thanks again,
Glenn S


I've built both- the AC is darker than the TS, the TS obviously has very pronounced mids.  I like both, in fact, i use both on my gig rig.  They can compliment each other nicely too
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


Quote from: MikeH on June 19, 2009, 02:26:54 PM
I've built both- the AC is darker than the TS, the TS obviously has very pronounced mids.  I like both, in fact, i use both on my gig rig.  They can compliment each other nicely too
What did you build on vero, perf, PCB?
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"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH