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a bunch of 741s

Started by Unkn0wn Art1st, May 27, 2010, 09:59:04 PM

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Unkn0wn Art1st

I have a lot of 741 opamps and I don't know where to apply it. Although it's not 741s but their Russian alternates called "K140УД6".
Can I use it instead of TL072, etc in some circuits, for example EQs?


741 is a single opamp, TL072 is a dual.  You could use two 741s but you would have to design the layout; you can't just substitute it.  741 is used in the MXR distortion plus.  Bob Blick has a preamp based on it which I just saw in a very good tutorial on building a sustainer.  You could use it for other applications using single opamps, but the specs on the 741 aren't very good from what I've read on the forum.   If it's a russian version you need to get a datasheet and check if the pins really are the same as the 741.  I would, anyway.  Good luck.

Unkn0wn Art1st

Oh, i meant "instead of TL071" :icon_redface:
Russian one has the same pinout as american, but it's in metal case:

I know that it's sucks, but don't wanna throw it out ;D


I believe the best performance noise wise was obtained from a 741 using a dual 15v or even dual 18v power supply. PRR may have some input on this, I seem to remember one of his posts over at Prodigy Pro a while back.
"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".


Hmm, I'm buiding a 500w/channel PA amplifier which uses a TL072 in a step driver to convert it to class H (not doing that myself, mine will be AB).  Someone just asked if they could use 2 741's and the designer said no, could use 2 TL071's.  I don't know enough about electronics to know why tho.  Maybe someone else here does?  I just don't want to lead you astray.


i have some of these that i took out of an old PA head. I'm a fan of the dod250 so i'm gonna build a mess of them.
When your life is over, will any of this STUFF really matter?


You could do an all-541 phase 90--that'll use a bunch.

Also, check out the gaussmarkov Gristleizer project--it uses at least 4 :) Multiple Gristleizers are always fun!
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band:

Unkn0wn Art1st

Thanks for replies!
Now I have so many options that will not be enough my bunch :icon_mrgreen: