what is this component?

Started by Top Top, August 01, 2009, 07:30:43 PM

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Top Top

I was just stripping caps from a junk circuit board, and I desoldered this thing that I thought was a large value electrolytic cap... then while it was sitting on the desk, I noticed that other components were sticking to the top of it because it was magnetic.

When I looked at it closer, it is not marked with a uF value, and it is marked with a dot on one of the two legs. It is marked "HA 3050" but a search doesn't turn up anything on that.

I've never seen this type of thing before. Any idea?


any chance you could post a picture?
Ernie Ball Music Man - JPM, THD Univalve, Grace Big Daddy, PepperShredder, BSIAB2, FireFly Amplifier.

Top Top

I don't have my camera at the moment unfortunately. Imagine an electrolytic cap, with a slight "hourglass" shape near the bottom. It has the same type of plastic/metal sheath around it like an electrolytic, about the same size as a 1000uF electrolytic, etc.

An electrolytic cap usually has an aluminum colored top, this has a black top because you can see the magnet.


I've seen inductors that have that shape.
Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.


Like this guy?

I have some inductors that match your description and this is the closes I could find to what you described.

Top Top

Quote from: doitle on August 01, 2009, 08:33:59 PM
Like this guy?

I have some inductors that match your description and this is the closes I could find to what you described.

That is very similar. This one is taller, but looks to be the same type of thing.

So what does it do?


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