Purple Peaker+Splitter Blend(Blue box+[Green Ringer+Bass Fuzz])

Started by El Heisenberg, August 13, 2009, 01:26:41 AM

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El Heisenberg

So this is the second time ive put an octave up and down in the same box. I loved it, but after breadboardin the blue box i want that as the ocrave down, instead of the Shoctave. But i hot glued the pots to the box, so why not just make anothrr one? The first one, (which i call Parallel Universe) is the splitter-blend from ROG, without the phase thingy, with a shoctave and green ringer in parallel. The green ringer has the filter and octave off mods and has a switch so i can turn on the bass fuzz with a trim volume after it.

This time itll be blue box+(green ringer+bass fuzz). I want to put somethibg to help with the tracking in front of it all tho. I already use a compressor before it but was thinkin building either a red ranger on the low setting or a purple peaker on the low setting. They both do the job, but i came across this:

isn't there a green ringer circuit in the mutron octave divider circuit? also i believe that some EE named george merriman patented some tracking circuit for both the octave up(green ringer - dan armstrong) and octave down in the octave divider. maybe you can extract the tracking circuit? just a thought, peace waldo

Actual article of source - 2nd paragraph:


George merrimans tracking patent:


2nd source:


My Mu-Oct-Div Schematic -

My Mu-Oct-Div Parts list -
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

That was posted in a thread here from like 2004 . The only links that still work are the ones that take u to like a history of musitronics. Doea anyone know anything about the tracking circuitry for the greeb ringer he mentioned?? Maybe another link??

Also, would anybody recommend that i use the phase thing on the blue box channel in the splitter blend? Herea the schem:


also, anyone know of a simple, or sorta simple, 2 octave up circuit? Never seen one. Maybe two GRs in series?

Anybody have any suggestions on this? Im open to suggestions. Thats what i am fishing for here. Very very many suggestions on Parellel Universe Mk2. Just as long as its simple (i aint buildin the pearl oc-2 in there) but id mainly like the get rid of the need to turn down the tone knob on my guitar all the way down when i stomp it in.

Originally i wanted to have two stompswitches to turn the GR and Shocktave on individually, then when they were both on they would be blendable in parallell with the splittet blend, but i ciuldnt figure out how to do this.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

I just went ahead and took the shocktave out and built the blue box into the old box.

Problem tho, when i blend the greeb ringer and the blue box theres a volume drop. But when each is alone its pretty loud. Would biulding the phase reverse part of the splitter blend in there help this out? Also theres a switch for that portion of the splitter blend. But i dunno which position is "on", reversing the phase.
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

Lemme rephrase the question here:

with a blue box and green ringer run in parallel through ROGs splitter blend, do i need, or would it be better, to use the phase reversing portion of the circuit, which i initially left out of the build????
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."

El Heisenberg

Im askin instead of doing because the box is literally packed and crammed with circuitry already: two point to point bass fuzz circuits (one with an inductor), a tiny voltage divider board, splitter blend on two boards, green ringer and blue box. Thats like 5 (or 6) circuits already! Thinkin of goin ahead and stuffong the purple peaker in there too...
"Your meth is good, Jesse. As good as mine."