best 13600/13700 tremolo?

Started by loss1234, August 14, 2009, 04:16:31 PM

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i have been doing a lot of searches on here and I can't seem to figure out where all the 13700 tremolo schematics are.

I would love to try building one but would like to look at a few for ideas.

the frobnicator is cool but uses a 3080. I am wondering if pin 2 of the 13600/700 can or should be used to null out the LFO.



I've never seen one. I did breadboard a 13700 trem last year, using the single OTA oscillator from the data sheet, but it's not a very accurate/symettrical waveform, so I dumped the idea in favour of a tube trem using a dual OTA oscillator with a 3DPT selecting from two speed controls, and the ability to ramp from one to the other.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


GEOFEX has a great article on this look it up.


thanks guys

1. i had read that article before. but i was just wondering if anyone had released a project with the 13700 as the VCA

2. i am not too interested in using the 13700 for the lfo. i would probably use something else
