Compretion sugetions

Started by Pablo1234, August 22, 2009, 12:52:42 AM

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I have officially decided my distortion pedal is complete. Now on to compression, I am currently using Anderson's schematic for the compressor but I am not sure how its gonna sound, so I am going to build it and find out.
Any one have suggestions on good compressors, I am looking for a really good way to control my attack and this one don't have attack control on it. Basically I want to get slight compression but with a really percussive tone for my leads both clean and distorted. I used to have a really cheap cheap cheap pedal that I loved for this effect, was one of them off brand ones from back in the late 80's but it was noisy as all get out. but the attack was insane. I plan on making like 4 or 5 different envelope controls to see which is more what I am looking for. Any suggestions on where to start would be appreciated.


The BYOC 5 knob compressor has variable attack. I haven't built it, but the schem looks good. Look here:


Yes that is an interesting circuit, VCA insted of useing photo resistors. I may have to try this one also.

I use to simulate the attack thing with a delay peadal just make the delay with only 1 pulse and like 5 Milliseconds, or so. Gave me a huge amount of punch but also kinda gave a metlic sound. I like that sound but on clean it didnt work as well as the compressor thing I used.


The "Flatline" compressor is wonderful, have been using mine for three years and nothing comes close.
It also has a ton of gain for a handy booster too !
There's build threads and schem / stripboard layout here somewhere ...

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Well I just spent the last 4 hrs reading over at GEO's web site and he had a realy nice artical on signal detection and the difrent styles of control. So the 3 ways of doing this I liked wher the full wave rectification used with #1 LDR's #2 VCA's and #3 FET's. I may have to experament some lol. Man o jeezzus the posibilitys are endless arent they.
OK so hear is a though, what if you wher to make a multiband Envelope - say use a State variable filter feeding 3 rectifiers and LDR's, you could base your compression on the frequency also and be alot more specific on the decay and attack for all 3 frequency bands.

I am gona start with Andertons first as I actualy have an LDR and a LED sitting right infront of me, it will just be a matter of tuneing the circuit. I may have to hit the bank up and order some stuff for the flatline compressor also.


Wow the Flatline is a really odd schematic now that I look at it closer. Why is their a connection between the envelop section to the output of the signal path, wouldn't this create some noise or distortion in the signal? Really odd that their connected like that.


  Not sure about the connections other than the Flatline [and nearly all if not all] compressor schematics are verified/working.
  "Simple...can be ''tuned to what you need'' if you know what to look for, and how to tweek it to ramp ''just so''.
  "Noisy" is a 'tag' compressors often get put on them, mostly they don't deserve it.
  Comps basically turn the volume up when signal drops below 'x' level, so when no signal is present except the noise floor, the noise floor gets turned up...actually it's the opposite, large signal levels are attenuated, any good compressor with sufficient noise at the input should seem ''noisy'' because it is working right.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I understand what a compressor is and how they work, I just for the life of me cant fuiger out why he is injecting the Envelope onto the signal? what is the pourpos of that?

This is my firts attemp at a dynamic distortion with compretion, its not built other than the distortion circuit, but for me to mod it like this wont take much at all. Its by no means compleate though I have to calculate the gains and voltage drops and filter caps and such yet.