Dan's Simple Flanger Schematic

Started by loss1234, September 12, 2009, 11:35:24 AM

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after a week of anger and stress and trying over 10 scheamtics, I finally have a dead simple flanger working.

well...this thing is no ADA but it makes decent sounds.

you may have to adjust some resistors for your pickups.

I got rid of clock bleed by running the 4046 off of its own 5v reg.

i ran everything else of 10v, ground and various VBIAS trimmers.

improvements would obviously be better filtering, a line in stage, another input buffer to allow for a mix of DRY and wet (right now the regen feeds right back into the same gain stage as the input...crude but it works...just no wet dry) and a bunch of other things!


try other CAP values in the LFO for different effects. (vibrato is easier with some)

also...i didnt label the SPEED pot on the LFO but thats what it does

I post this mainly as a record of the mods I had to make to get this thing to FLANGE and also to work. I have spent over a week trying to get a BBD chip to work and i think the main issue is that i was initially trying to run everything off of +5v which seemed to be too little for some reason.

basically i grafted three or 4 schematics together and changed values till it worked. i must say that the BYOC flanger is a good place to start as it is well drawn.
BUT i wanted less parts to start so i looked at their REGEN, the zombie chorus for clock, and UNCLE KRUNKUS's mn3205 delay.

anyway...enjoy my mess!!


i dont know how to embed this in the post...can someone explain how?



I'm not expert on flangers, but that does seem to be a very simple schematic in comparison to others I've seen. I've coincidentally been looking at some recently as it's about time I built one. So what's missing - ie why so simple? How does it sound? Good I assume or you wouldn't be posting. Any soundclips for us folks in DIY land?

I'm not sure about flickr, but photobucket provides a code for embedding images, I'm sure flickr does the same thing. Anyway, here's your schematic:


Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


I am not going to lie. it has some defects.

1. you must be careful not to turn the feedback up too high when NOTHING IS PLUGGED IN

(i like high feedback rates)

you could easily fix this by putting a higher value resitor after the regen pot.

2. there is no wet/dry

3. Most BBD pedals have another buffer opamp after the last opamp. they also normally have FEEDBACK go into a second opamp buffer (that way the gtr and the feedback are sepreated and you can do wet/dry

BUT for how damn simple it is, i think it sounds cool

not only that, I am working on modding it to accept CV input from my modular synth and that IS WORKING.

now i just need to figure out how to get LINE LEVELS into it without it crapping out.

that is the hard part.

BUT mainly i posted this so people like myself who were getting VERY frustrated with BBD's could have something easy to build.

but others might think its a hunk of junk ;)



Ha! the schematic will not work as drawn: you`re balancing pins 7 and 8 with the trimpot connected to the grounded side of the 100k resistors!


thanks for pointing that out

i drew it quick

you dont have to laugh about it though ;)

as you can tell i made this for my own reference. i will revise it tomorrow

it sounds good when you start adding mods to it as well.

I have a newer version I am working on that has a much different filtering scheme (to allow more high freq for synths,etc)


for those who want to try, i wouldnt expect this to fulfill your dreams of the perfect flanger. it is more of a wacked out vibrato with feedback. you do get flanger style sounds when you move the depth (Manual) pot. i personally love it and am just so happy to get a working BBD circuit.

i will start work tomorrow on allowing this to sound more like a real flanger.

thanks so much