In search of a poly film 1 uf non polar capacitor

Started by Its been said, October 15, 2009, 09:09:10 PM

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Its been said

well, 2 of them actually. I know they exist but where the heck do I find one  :icon_evil:  all that really counts is that its non polar and 1uf(mf if you prefer). honestly if its not on small bear electronics I don't know where itd be (and I already checked there). So can anybody help a brother out?

R.G. -> Passive components -> Capacitors -> film capacitors -> polyester film capacitors ->
select: stocked; 1uF ; =>50V; radial package; apply filters
(68 results; select sort by pricing, descending)
First in the resulting list: Mouser P/N 80-R82DC4100CK60J, 10,696 in stock, 0.30 each, minimum order quantity 1.


In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

Its been said