uhm, i think this is a unique(?) circuit :-) the PROTO Nth fuzz

Started by Mugshot, August 27, 2009, 05:59:22 AM

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for several weeks ive been having lots of fun with the BAzz Fuss (thanks to Christian for this wonderful babY  ;)). all the while i was coming up with different variations to this circuit: i have used different diode types for the collector-base connection, and i quite like rectifier diodes very much, and Silicon next. as a true DIY kid, i tried to employ a unique variation to the BF and that included using anti-parallel LEDS from collector-base, an FF-style gain control, and a variable collector resistor ala-Beavis' Trotsky. it's true that this is not a very unique approach, isnt it? anyway, i used a home-made darlington using two 2N3904 trannies since i dont have any Darlington at the moment. since LEDS give more available output, i added symmetrical clipping diodes to punch things up, and came up with this schematic:

plenty of lows (what would you expect from the BF?  ;D) this baby has. but i was still itching to get something done, so i pulled out the first tranny and substituted - intentionally BUT stupidly, i think - a 2N7000 MOSFET instead. no it was not an accident. i had one 2N7000 lying around so i popped it in.

well the tone didnt impress me at first as it sounded too gate-y with the fixed collector resistor at 3K3. so i bumped it up to 10K and wired a 100K pot to raise the resistance even more. charan! it got things going, and i had a very trebley fuzz. i knew that MOSFETS tend to sound dark (i read about it, but not 100% sure though), and the 2N7000 made it sound way different from a BF.

i dont know if there has been a similar concept of creating a darlington pair using an NPN and a MOSFET, but to me it sure looks pretty original. if there is, please show me, as i want to learn more about this thing.

btw, the schem as i built it last night:

below the schem are the mods i will perform to explore the possibilities of this set-up, and i think a 2.2M from C-B of the tranny pair is quite a nice addition to smooth out the fuzz a bit. im also considering adding a 1000pf cap to smooth it out even more. anyway, i hope you guys build one Proto Nth and tell me what you think, please. this is quite my first contribution to the community, so i dont know if this already exists or what. thanks guys. i'll appreciate your feedback!

i am what i am, so are you.


bumping this thread. im really interested in what you think about this setup!  ;D
i am what i am, so are you.


It reminds me of an EZ clipper from AMZ I think?
post some sound clips.
I'm no EE or even a tech,just a monkey with a soldering iron that can read,and follow instructions. ;D
My now defunct band http://www.facebook.com/TheZedLeppelinExperience


hmmm, my impression is that this is the Bazz fuss alright, but without the signature "bass".  ;D it has plenty of treble freqs.

cant do much of sound clip recording, i did one using my camphone. well, it sucked. will try to post when i already have a simple but decent recorder.

anyway i hope somebody does this on breadboard and see what ths sounds like.
i am what i am, so are you.