A few Ruby amp questions

Started by peps1, September 23, 2009, 09:12:03 PM

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Just thought i would ask a few Ruby amp questions befor my components arrive tomorrow.

1: What range of speaker size can i get away with?

2: with 1/4" mono jack socket, is the tip "input" and the sleeve "ground"?

3: With the 386 pin one, do I just connect to gain lug1, and then bridge it to lug2 too?

4 : Is volume lug1 just left unconnected?


Which schematic are you using? The one I have shows the volume lugs connected to C1 (47nf), Pin 2, and ground. The schematic also recommends an 8 ohm speaker, but notes you could "get away" with a 4 pr 16 ohm due to the low output. As for the gain knob, pin one would connect to the first lug, and the second and third lugs would be connected together going to pin 8. Again site a schematic so we can better help you out here.


And yes, with a mono jack tip would go to input and sleeve to ground.


Sorry, should have said, im using the layout from http://www.runoffgroove.com/ruby.html.

Is there another one i should be considering?


The schematic I am using is essentially the same, the only differences is mine (from Beavis Audio) lacks the 100 uf cap and the way your schematic is written, gain lugs 1 and 2 would connect to pin 1, mine has 2 and 3 going to pin 8 not sure what the difference will be. Test it out, it shouldnt be hard to change.


I've run my ruby through a 10" 8 ohm and I've run it through a 2x12 cab 8 ohm - sounds great on both.

Tip is input sleeve is ground.

Yep - you could go either way - 1 to 2 or 2 to 1.

Typically a volume pot's lug 1 will go to ground.

It's a fun little amp.
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


I've used a cheap 6" 8 ohm, a 12" eminence legend 8 ohm, and a 12" 8 ohm JBL floor monitor.  By far the best sound was the JBL.  Put a BSIBII in front and it sustains for days.  Not my main rig but it was fun for a while.  I'd only use the 6" for testing gear or traveling.  Works well with headphones and attenuated headphone jack also.


My Ruby is just screaming at me, when i attach the batter I get a steady tone and a change the pitch with the gain and volume......nice synth sound but, not what Im after at all!???

Used this Strip board layout


I had posted this question in a separate thread. I'm re-posting here in hope that someone else may see it.

A beginner asked me which jack to buy for the headpone jack mod. Looking at the schem and what's available, I found the 1/4" Switchcraft #13B (godawfully expensive) and the Mouser/Kobiconn 161-0035. I don't presently stock either one and would like to for the convenience of the many builders of the Ruby, Noisy Cricket, etc.

Can anyone confirm that they have used one or the other of these satisfactorily?

As far as a smaller version, the only possible thing I saw at Mouser was the 3.5mm Kobiconn 161-4034-E. I think the circuit is right, but it is surface mounted. Anyone try this one?



I had that screaming problem last night too.  I put a 0.1uF bypass cap from the 9V supply to ground and that solved it.


Quote from: davidallancole on September 24, 2009, 11:47:30 AM
I had that screaming problem last night too.  I put a 0.1uF bypass cap from the 9V supply to ground and that solved it.

Thanks David, i will give that a go, once iv had a cup of tea, and shaken off the overwhelming feeling of disappointment :(

Will post results  ;)


No luck with the 0.1uF bypass cap from the 9V supply,

Think i going to go for a rebuild and maticlesly document, so someone can point out what im doing wrong!  :D